悦跑圈是中国运动数据平台,旗下核心产品悦跑圈APP用户规模超过1.1亿,日活220万,注册跑团达到2.9万个,覆盖全世界2500个城市。悦跑圈坚持用创意和专业的精神让运动更加愉悦,布局跑步、骑行、铁三等多项运动领域,致力于通过移动互联网应用、运动社交和线上线下赛事活动,为体育爱好者提供全方位服务。悦跑圈相信如果每一次运动都有愉快的享受,人们的生活将会变得更美好。 Joyrun is awell-known sports data platform in China. The user scale of its core product Joyrun app has exceeded 110 million,DAU 2200 thousands, the number of registered running groups reached 29,000, covering 2,100 cities around the world. Joyrun insists on creativity and professionalism to make sports more enjoyable, involving running, cycling, triathlon and many other sports, committed to applications, sports social and online and offline events, and provide a full range of services for sports enthusiasts. Joyrun believes that if every sport has a pleasant enjoyment, our lives will become better.
国内知名跑步APP悦跑圈联合创始人兼CEO,互联网连续创业者。曾就职于广州电子第七研究所,从事移动通信相关工作,主持了国内通信领域多项标准的制定。2009年投身于运动类相关的创业项目,2014年2月,梁峰带领团队创建的悦跑圈APP正式上线。作为一名体育爱好者,梁峰曾参加2015上海半程马拉松、2015北极圈马拉松等国内外重要跑步赛事,2019年成功完赛世界六大国际马拉松赛事,完成世界马拉松大满贯,晋级六星跑者。 As the co-founder and CEO of Joyrun, the leading running APP in China, Feng Liang is also an Internet entrepreneur. Liang has worked in the Guangzhou electronic Seventh Research Institute before establishing Joyrun Co, Ltd, focusing on mobile communication and related areas, and he was regularly involved in monitoring the establishment of various standard-settings in the field of domestic communications. In 2009, Mr. Liang Feng started to engage in sports related entrepreneurial projects. In February 2014, the Joyrun app developed by Mr. Liang and his team was officially launched. As a sports enthusiast, Mr. Liang participated in the Shanghai Half Marathon 2015, Polar Circle Marathon 2015 and other major running events both at home and abroad. In 2019, he completed all six major marathons across the globe and became a six-star marathoner.
悦跑圈第一个版本发布,首个具有防作弊功能跑步的软件the first version of Joyrun app was released, which is the first running software with anti-cheating function.
首届粉红女子跑在广州长隆举行,为移动互联网首次自营线下跑步赛事the first pink woman run held in Changlong, Guangzhou, which was the first time for the mobile Internet to organize offline running event on its own.
正式完成1800万美元B轮融资Joyrun officially completed B financing round with a total of $18 million.
悦跑圈出品马拉松纪录片《跑步日记》、出品跑步文化出版物《跑将》Joyrun published the marathon documentary Running Diary and the running magazine Runner.
约定跑功能上线the agreed run was released online.
悦跑圈3.0版本上线,本着简洁界面优化、悦跑圈APP使用功能的原则,融入跑步文化及商业平台逻辑,让APP更具有复合型价值the 3.0 version of Joyrun app was published. In the light of the principle of simplifying interface and optimizing function, it integrates the logic of running culture and commercial platform, so that Joyrun APP can possess a more complex value.
悦跑圈完成C轮1亿元融资,加速体育服务产业布局Joyrun completed the C financing round with a total of 100 million yuan to accelerate the layout of sports service industry.
悦跑圈携手NIKE,在北京盛大举行2018-2019悦跑圈跑团盛典。中国田径协会领导、明星运动员、行业资深媒体人、行业KOL以及来自近80个全国优秀跑团的成员应邀出席,深入探讨跑团未来发展方向,树立跑团价值观,打造行业标杆,为体育行业注入新动能Joyrun and NIKE jointly held the “Run Together 2018-2019”, a grand event for running clubs, in Beijing. Officials of the Chinese Athletics Association, star athletes, senior media professionals, industry KOLs and members of nearly 80 excellent running groups across the country were invited to the event, where they had in-depth discussions on the future and values of running clubs and shared views on building an industry benchmark and injecting new momentum into the sports industry.
悦跑圈5.0版本上线,跑者用户标签全面升级,产品在数据精细化方面得到巨大提升。优化跑步轨迹视频功能,深受用户喜爱,成为2019年最多人使用的功能Joyrun V5.0 was launched, featuring a fully upgraded user profile and more detailed data. The optimized video-based Run Record gained great favor among the users, becoming the most popular function of the year.
悦跑圈作为线上马拉松运动的先驱,受邀赴希腊参与第十三届国际马拉松和公路跑协会,将极富中国特色的“跑步科技”——线上马拉松,推向全世界as a pioneer of online marathon, Joyrun was invited to the 13th AIMS in Greece, where it introduced online marathon, a “running technology” with Chinese characteristics, to the whole world.
悦跑圈在疫情期间发起“爱心战役线上跑”义卖活动,此次活动为湖北地区筹得善款总计534,554.31元,已通过壹基金全数捐赠,用于疫情防控,包括购买医疗物资、为社区提供疫情排查、防疫消杀、心理关怀等支持工作Joyrun launched an “Online Charity Sale Campaign against the Covid-19 Pandemic”, through which a total of RMB 534,554.31 was raised. The full amount has been donated through One Foundation to Hubei Province to support the pandemic prevention and control efforts, such as purchasing medical supplies as well as medical screening, disinfection service, and psychological care for communities.
开创线上马拉松模式、该模式日后被广为流传、被同行争相模仿Joyrun pioneered the online marathon model, which was circulated widely and imitated by peers quickly.
“我的跑鞋”功能发布,经过长时间沉淀,在跑鞋模块发挥了巨大的作用the function of my running shoes was released. After a long period of precipitation, it played a huge role in the running shoes module.
与中国田径协会达成战略合作,成为官方指定的线上马拉松唯一合作伙伴Joyrun reached strategic cooperation with the Chinese Athletic Association and became the only official partner of the online marathon.
赛事Live功能上线the Live events was released online.
悦跑圈注册用户超过5300万,近2万个注册跑团there were more than 53 million registered individual users and nearly 20 thousand registered running groups in Joyrun.
悦跑圈在广州举办跑团盛典,与跑圈KOL、悦跑圈合作伙伴、媒体代表以及百位跑团团长共同聚焦跑步行业大势Joyrun held the grand ceremony of running group in Guangzhou, focusing on the running industry with running circles KOL, partners of Joyrun, media representatives and hundreds of league leaders.
悦跑圈4.0版本全新上线,界面进行大幅简化,升级跑步工具体验感。开发「跑者形象」功能,丰富跑者的运动装备数据Joyrun V4.0 was released online. The new version featured a significantly simplified interface and upgraded running tools for better user experience. The new function of “Runner Avatar” has been developed to enrich the data of runners’ sports equipment.
悦跑圈和别克联合主办的别克跑团联赛揭幕首站在北京启动,别克跑团联赛是全国首个线上线下结合、中国田协认证的跑团联赛,2019年9-12月成功举办上海、深圳、成都、西安、沈阳、武汉城市赛,总决赛在2020燃爆开战!the “Buick Racing League” jointly hosted by Joyrun and Buick kicked off in Beijing. As the first of its kind in China, the league combined both online and offline events and was certified by the Chinese Athletics Association. From September to December, 2019, city races were successfully held in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Xi’an, Shenyang and Wuhan, and the final is to be ignited in 2020.
悦跑圈完成C+轮融资,发力C端市场,搭建场景电商平台,完善电商运营体系Joyrun completed the C+ financing round. Focusing on the 2C market, the company built the scenario-based e-commerce platform and improved its e-commerce operation system.
悦跑圈参与运营的2019乌鲁木齐冰雪马拉松在新疆冰上运动中心鸣枪开跑,悦跑圈助力4425名选手跑遍冰天雪地,力求打造“最温暖”的冰雪马拉松the Urumqi Ice and Snow Marath on 2019 co-organized by Joyrun kicked off at the Ice Sports Center of Xinjiang. By assisting 4,425 runners in running across the ice and snow, Joyrun was committed to delivering the “warmest” edition of ice and snow marathon event.
悦跑圈成为日本名古屋马拉松官方线上马拉松指定合作伙伴,为全球4万名名古屋城市马拉松和名古屋女子马拉松选手提供线上马拉松服务Joyrun became the official online marathon partner of Nagoya Marathon in Japan, providing online marathon services for its 40,000 global runners as well as the runners of Nagoya Women’s Marathon.
广州市越秀区解放南路123号金汇大厦501房-悦跑圈No. 123, Liberation Road South, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China
北京市朝阳区畅宇60产业园西门进来右手第一家-悦跑圈West Gate, Chanyu 60 Centre, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
上海市静安区延平路135号 B座 348-悦跑圈Room 348, Block B, No.135 Yanping Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai, China
商务合作: business@thejoyrun.comBusiness dept.:business@thejoyrun.com
赛事合作: games@thejoyrun.comCompetition dept.:games@thejoyrun.com
跑团合作: paotuan@thejoyrun.comCrews corporation:paotuan@thejoyrun.com
国际旅游: INT@thejoyrun.comInternational tourism:INT@thejoyrun.com
线上渠道: op@thejoyrun.comOnline channels:op@thejoyrun.com
客服反馈: cs@thejoyrun.comCustomer Services:cs@thejoyrun.com
联系电话: 400-960-6662Phone:400-960-6662